Michael S.

Damon, on many occasions, perhaps too many, I have vented to you about my disdain for MOST realtors.  I’ve always been careful to mention that I don’t consider you as part of that group.  You are special, unique and one of a kind.

You are a professional in every sense of the word.  You are not just good at what you do, you are excellent.  Your demeanor is perfect for the many tasks you and your staff perform.  I take nothing for granted and always appreciate your efforts on our behalf.  As Dana said to me “you and your staff worked hard on this deal”.This sale would not have happened without you and your team.  We thank you (and them) very much for making it happen and for shepherding us through the process.

Although I don’t always agree with you, when you disagree you do so with class and respect.  As Dana said you don’t “push” or impose your beliefs or position on your clients.  You certainly didn’t with me.

I also appreciate your sense of humor and ability in your own way from keeping me off the ledge and yes, occasionally calm me down.

Thanks again.  With appreciation, Dana and Michael

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