Passyunk Square

About Passyunk Square

Passyunk Square is a neighborhood in South Philadelphia bounded by Broad Street to the west, 6th Street to the east, Tasker Street to the south and Washington Avenue to the north. Passyunk Square is bordered by the Bella Vista, Hawthorne, Central South Philadelphia, Wharton and Point Breeze neighborhoods. The park bounded by 12th, 13th, Wharton and Reed Streets in this neighborhood now known as Columbus Square was formerly known as "Passyunk Square". Geoff DiMasi revived this name when forming the Passyunk Square Civic Association. History The Federal Street School and Eliza Butler Kirkbride School are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Demographics White - 68%; Black - 6%; Asian - 19%; Hispanic - 7% Shopping District The neighborhood is best known for its shopping and restaurants along the East Passyunk Avenue corr

Passyunk Square is a neighborhood in South Philadelphia bounded by Broad Street to the west, 6th Street to the east, Tasker Street to the south and Washington Avenue to the north. Passyunk Square is bordered by the Bella Vista, Hawthorne, Central South Philadelphia, Wharton and Point Breeze neighborhoods. The park bounded by 12th, 13th, Wharton and Reed Streets in this neighborhood now known as Columbus Square was formerly known as "Passyunk Square". Geoff DiMasi revived this name when forming the Passyunk Square Civic Association.


The Federal Street School and Eliza Butler Kirkbride School are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


White - 68%; Black - 6%; Asian - 19%; Hispanic - 7%

Shopping District

The neighborhood is best known for its shopping and restaurants along the East Passyunk Avenue corridor. East Passyunk Avenue features a large number of privately owned shops, restaurants, and grocery stores; additionally, it has a number of businesses such as insurance offices, salons, and pharmacies.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

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Passyunk Square Sales Data

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From Q1 2024


Population by Age Level. Median Age 46.38. Households: 886.

In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $87,978)

Population by Education Level

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Passyunk Square Schools & Education

Public & Private Institutions Of Learning

Education in the United States is provided by public, private and home schools. State governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K–12 public school systems and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges, and universities. Discover the K12-powered public or private school that is best suited for your child's needs in the area.

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